
Update: Back to GW2 after a long break

Other than the brief time I sent in Wildstar and Archeage I have for the most part stayed away from MMO’s for a long time.

The Heart of Thorns expansion has brought me back to GW2 and I have been having fun again in WvW with small scale roaming on the piken square server.

Gaming, Uncategorized, Wildstar

Wildstar – The Whitevale mobs are my friends!

Yesterday I was questing in Whitevale and I got the mission Topple the Colossus [Group 3+]. I make my way to the mob and type in zone chat asking if any are interested in completing the quest.

I stay waiting near that giant mob for a while waiting or help when I noticed that the the mob I have to kill (Triggais the Colossus) was engaged in battle with a Icecrusted Boulderback, and not any old boulderback but a difficult mob bordered in red with 2 interrupt armor you see scattered in the wildstar zones.

At first I took little notice of this, then I see that the boulderback was doing a LOT of damage to my target Triggais. Lightbulb moment! I can complete the quest without any other players help.

When I see Triggais the Colossus’ health reach around 3k I run behind him and with my friend the boulderback we dealt the giant a mortal wound, and I completed the quest.

The giant will not be mourned for he is allied to the puny Aurins and Exile Scum. My little Chua runs off to the next quest hub with a final wave to his new best friend the Icecrusted Boulderback.

Gaming, Guild Wars 2, Wildstar

Playing Wildstar, taking a break from GW2

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Taking a break from GW2 and playing Wildstar at the moment.

Above is my cute Chua Medic Settler.

The Current WvW Builds thread is out of date my most recent roaming build is a condi burning build based around the new Balthazar runes I have not put it up there.

I liked roaming solo in WvW best and now its not great or fun anymore because you rarely find 1v1s or 1v2s.

The last straw was Anet’s attitude towards hackers and their lack of action towards them.

Camelot Unchained Alpha is coming up soon I hope that would hopefully help with my RvR fix.

I hope to return to GW2 from time to time to play with friends of mine who in all honesty they were the reason I stayed with the game that long.